Where does our name “Canopées”come from?

Finding a name for your business is always a delicate step. On the one hand, the word or set of words must resemble you, embody you and be faithful to you, but it must also, if possible, be evocative. To put it quickly, the universe it carries must be rich in emotions, sensations and collective unconsciousness.

The trip

I went on a trip in 2009 that changed my life. I went to Guyana, in the Amazon rainforest. There, I trekked into a biotope loaded with 100% moisture, swam in rivers infested with god knows what anacondas, and slept in a hammock in the middle of “green hell” and screams of screaming monkeys. I, who adored nature, was served.

And above all, I slept two nights in a camp built IN the trees, 10 meters above the ground. One of the activities offered to the happy few of this magical place was to climb into an emerging tree (we are still in the middle of the rainforest) and to climb with a harness and wedge on a platform erected at 38 m high, at above … the canopy.

There, I saw Avatar. The forest that runs for miles, the multicolored macaws that cross the sky, the kwata monkeys that sway, and the sounds of the forest. Life in its pure state, and especially Nature in its most original. Nothing flashy, no postcard syndrome, just the most perfect garden in the world.

I’m going abseiling and returning to the zip line camp in the dark night. Imagine the sounds, the smells, and the organic happiness felt.

When I returned to France, this experience infused into my body and my brain. She influenced the design of my gardens and validated my desires for ecology.



When we moved to our new offices in 2010, I decided to rename my small business. In the lexical field of the garden, nature and beauty, after a few days of reflection, the canopy (or Canopée in french) has resurfaced and imposed itself on me. Or rather Canopées, in the plural, sum of all these forests of the world, in all latitudes.

I chose this name to make it clear that in our work as garden creators, our influences are multiple, rich and important. Through our profession, we want to re-establish a link between man and nature. Restore the taste of green and color, seasons and fragrances, wind and light.

The possibilities of the garden are endless. His power too.

Canopy (n.f.): Upper floor of the forest, directly influenced by solar radiation. It is sometimes considered as a habitat or an ecosystem as such, especially in the tropical forest where it is particularly rich in biodiversity and biological productivity.