The design process consists of two main stages,
followed by the execution proper:

01 / DRAFT

The first stage starts with a meeting on site. Together with you, we fill out a questionnaire about your tastes, your needs, your habits. This is the time to mention specific requests about the garden (pool, terrace, orchard, etc.), possible views which need to be protected and to indicate the budget you had in mind for the whole operation.
Based on this information, on the blueprints you will provide and on pictures taken on the site, we will draw a first draft of the garden project: it’s a coloured and captioned drawing that exposes the new structure of the garden, the general atmosphere, the lines, the volumes, the plants’ style and their approximate heights. This draft allows us to make sure that we’re proceeding in the right direction and that we have interpreted your wishes correctly. The cost of this stage, which represents at least two days’ work for us, will be billed, but you can stop after this stage if you’re not satisfied with our proposal. There is, of course, room for fine tuning of the proposal at this stage, but significant changes to your requirements will result in a new design, which entails additional cost. At this point in time, we shall indicate the cost of the next (project) stage, which will depend on the garden’s complexity and options.

Projet 1


After you have validated the draft, we’ll proceed to the second stage of the design process: producing the final project, which will fully reflect our extensive creative processes. The output of the process is composed of new graphical documents (ground plan, perspective drawings, 3D documents if needed, technical blueprints, material and plant information), presented in a portfolio of 20 to 40 pages. In this step we make technical and aesthetic choices in order to ensure the harmony of the garden and to help you visualize your garden as it will be after its implementation.


For all gardens located in Paris or within a radius of approximately 35 km we can, if you so wish, take care of the execution phase as well with the help of our team of craftsmen. This allows the whole process to remain fully coherent, from design to execution, with the great advantage for you to have only one contact to talk to, namely the person who designed the garden. Our craftsmen have been working together for a long time and were chosen for their reliability and technical expertise.
Once the global project has been validated, it is time to estimate the cost of the execution: demolition, levelling, masonry, carpentry, automatic watering, lightning, planting and any other kind of necessary work.
If your garden is farther away from Paris or abroad, we will ask local teams (instead of ours) to come and see the location to provide an estimate of the cost of work. We shall make the connection between technical questions, cost and design, sometimes changing a few things if needed. We will help you chose the best cost/quality ratio. Depending on the type of garden you asked for, this step may be billed as well.


The different craft teams follow one another, while we supervise the whole process and make sure everything goes according to plan. We can go through this phase any time of the year (except in July and August) but bear in mind that working outside is still inherently weather dependant.